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What sort of information should I include in the free text box?

Use this space to tell the university or college about any facilities, adjustments or support you may need, such as adapted accommodation, extra equipment, readers or interpreters, or extra time in examinations.

You can let the university or college know of any support needs you may need to access visits, open days, interviews, auditions, etc. so they can ensure you have a fair chance to access these opportunities.

If you require assistance to evacuate a building in an emergency, it is helpful to let the university or college know in advance so they can create a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) with you in advance of your arrival. This is a personalised plan for individuals who may require help to reach safety in the event of an emergency (e.g. a fire).

If you have received support in the past which you have found helpful (e.g. at school or college, or in the workplace), you do not need to give lots of detail at this stage - the university or college will want to discuss this with you themselves.

Please be aware the level of support you will receive in higher education may differ significantly from that received in school or college, and your support needs may change in a new learning environment. Although this information will not guarantee the same (or equivalent support), the university or college will work with you to understand how they can remove any barriers to your learning.

It is important to remember that even if you decide you don’t want or need to use the adjustments or support, having them in place for the future will ensure you are supported if your circumstances change, or if you change your mind.

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