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Download the 2013 cycle applicant figures for June 2013.
Posted Tue 9 July 2013 - 00:00

This statistical release summarises applicants in the 2013 UCAS application cycle at the June deadline (30 June 2013), together with the totals at the June deadline in previous cycles.

  • Applications submitted through the main scheme between 15 January 2013 and 30 June 2013 are classed as late, although institutions may continue to make offers if places are available. Any new application submitted after 30 June 2013 goes straight into Clearing.
  • In the 2010 to 2012 cycles, around 96% of the end of cycle total of UK applicants had applied by the June deadline. That proportion is higher (around 98%) for 18 year old UK applicants.
  • In the 2010 to 2012 cycles, around 95% of the end of cycle ‘other EU’ applicants, and around 92% of non EU applicants, had applied by the June deadline.
  • 15 January 2013 was the ‘on time’ deadline for people to submit their application for the large majority of courses offered through UCAS in the 2013 cycle. Statistics relating to people that submitted an application considered ‘on time' for the January deadline were published in January 2013.
  • This statistical release includes applicants who have applied for any course, including those with a 15 October deadline. Figures relating exclusively to the 2013 cycle 15 October deadline were published in October 2012.

Additional tables

These additional tables provide June deadline summaries by sex, age, domicile, country of institution and subject choice.

  • Total applicant numbers at this stage of the cycle are 3.1% higher than at the same point in 2012.
  • The number of applicants from the UK has increased by 2.7% overall. Applicants have increased from three UK countries: England (+3.0%), Northern Ireland (+6.0%), Scotland (+1.0%) with a decrease for Wales (-2.5%).
  • The number of UK 18 year old applicants (the largest single group) has increased by 0.7% compared to 2012, representing a rise of just under 2,000 people.
  • The number of applicants from other EU countries has increased (by 4.3%) and there has been an increase in the number of applicants from outside the EU of 6.0%.
  • The number of applicants to institutions in each country of the UK has increased - England (+3.2%), Wales (+7.2%), Northern Ireland (+6.1%) and Scotland (+6.1%). 

2013 cycle applicant figures – June deadline

Additional 2013 cycle applicant figures – June deadline

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